Here is that CS I mentioned. [hider=Justin Ward] Name: Justin Ward Age: 17 Grade: Junior Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Justin Ward[/url] Power: Tychokinesis (Probability Manipulation) Personality: Intelligent, relatively quiet and relaxed. He tends to think things through, however depending upon circumstance, he can be quite brash. Rather social, although he rarely gets involved in something he is pretty sure he will lose at. Likes: Music, smart bets, rain, the cold, fire, and reading. Dislikes: Bad music (country, rap), cheaters, impatience, and annoyingly persistent people. History: [hider=History]While not technically a Pavar native Justin essentially is. Although born in Bellingham, Washington Justin and his family moved to Pavar when he was age seven. When his father lost his job Justin's mother, who had been born in Phoenix, Arizona, wanted to move south where it is warmer. Justin's father found work in Pavar at the steel mill. Unlike many children who may have freaked about such a move Justin was rather unfazed. He just bid goodbye to the few friends he had and gathered his things. Upon arriving in Pavar Justin merely went about life as if nothing changed. His grades never slipped from B and A territory, and he had a rather reserved social life. Upon gaining his license Justin began to sometimes works as a DJ for events and parties that occur in town. He also occasionally throws parties of his own, out in the desert. Despite working parties and throwing parties though, Justin possess very few good friends, though he does have quite a few acquaintances. If not at a party Justin can usually be found loitering around at the school, or local library.[/hider] Awakening: [hider=Awakening]He was in a horrible mood, and his head felt like a tornado was ripping through it. Perhaps it was due to the fact he had just finished up at party where all that he was allowed to play was country (essentially they had just wanted a radio blaring the top country hits at max volume), or maybe it was due to the teen who had almost wrecked a good portion of his equipment. Either way one thing was certain, sometimes he hated his job. However, he did charge a good rate and saw enough business that even with having to buy all his equipment and such, he had already begun to turn profit. Not just a little either, in fact tonight alone should be bring a hundred and fifty dollars. Earlier in the night though he'd been approached by the party host with a proposition. If Justin joined in on some gambling with the host and host friends he could double his money for the night at the very least. Gambling had never been Justin's forte, but with the pains of the night he figured double profits would be worth it. In fact he was almost certain he could win, after the host was some douchebag jock Neanderthal and the rest were his friends. Eight hands in and Justin was failing. The 150 he started with from the pay he had gotten was gone, and he had already dipped into his own pocket for seventy-five dollars. On. The ninth hand with a full house, 3 kings and 2 queens, he lost and he had also reached the bottom of his wallet. Turning towards the host and winner of the round Justin caught sight of cards hidden in his sleeve. Immediately he wanted to deck the guy, he had probably cheated on every hand he had won. Instead taking a deep breath Justin spoke addressing the host, "Appears the cards hate me and I'm out of cash, but how about we roll dice high roll wins. If I win I get all the money I lost back, except the pay for tonight, you win next five parties I do for free." With a little egging from his friends the jock agreed. After a lackey fetched a pair of dice they began. Grabbing the dice Justin tentatively rolled. They bounced clattered on the table the first landing on a two the second teetering between a five and a one. Then to his dismay the die fell; one. Immediately, the jocks began to laughter, and Justin felt his chest go hollow. As soon as the jock picked the dice up though Justin began to chant snake eyes in his head, it was his only hope. The moment the dice hit the table, Justin felt his head get light, and for a moment his eyes blurred and then they cleared and sitting on the table was a pair of ones. Everyone stared in disbelief and then came the protests, and pleas for another round. Feeling strangely calm and certain Justin agreed for double his pay, again they rolled and again he won, by one. Walking towards his van Justin grinned, tonight he had made 342 dollars. He wasn't sure how but once they had switched to dice games he began to win, and every time he concentrated hard enough he felt a small pull in gis mind and almost everytime the dice would do as he had wanted. Pausing at his van's door he reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin. Calmly he flipped three times each time silently calling a side and all three times he was correct. Grinning again he slid the coin back into his pocket and got in his can to drive home, he wasn't sure how but he was damn sure he was causing the outcomes he wanted. Speaking quietly to himself as he drove off he muttered, "If this keeps up, things will most definitely be interesting."[/hider] [/hider]