Six? There were six more people on the job? Tetsuya couldn't help but feel a touch deflated hearing that, surprised that so many others had been chosen. He had felt special honestly when he'd been assigned the task, hoping it might be a chance to do some good for his Lord and perhaps even show him gratitude for taking him in by solving this crime. In retrospect it was a foolish thing to hope for, there was so much ground to cover and he was inexperienced, but still... Looking between Yuudai and Jiang as they spoke he couldn't keep from frowning, surprised that people who were having such a hard time getting along were assigned to the same job. Whatever petty squabbles they were having should be put aside, they had an important job to do and couldn't waste time bickering over who got to go and speak with who. Mentally rolling his eyes he looked away from the pair, turning back only when Jiang spoke to him. [color=39b54a]"I... Already spoke with Lady Ru, so there's no need for you to go and do it again. She agreed to keep an eye out here in Ru, but that's about all she said she could do,"[/color] Tetsuya explained. If they continued to pester the woman he worried they might lose her support, and seeing as she was their only informant right now he'd hate for that to happen. If these two were going to have a pissing contest and attempt to outdo one another then he would do his best to keep them away, though he hadn't the faintest idea how he might accomplish such a feat. Yuudai could quite literally manhandle him if she so chose to, and while he didn't know much about Jiang he hardly wished to cross swords with the man. Hearing Yuudai only further pressing the matter. Groaning under his breath he put his head in his hands, lifting it abruptly when the Oni mentioned someone else being here. [color=39b54a]"Huh? Oh, there was no one else here! No one that I saw!"[/color] Tetsuya said hastily, shaking his head as he waved his hands, [color=39b54a]"I mean... There were her guards and all, but no one else. No Clan leaders or dignitaries or anything like that. Just me, Lady Ru and some guards, that's all!"[/color] If these two were to confront Princess Naji he couldn't see anything good come of it, worried one or the other might mouth off or say something out of line. They were here on Lord Shima's behalf, and if they were going to argue like two children then neither of them had any business talking with someone so important to their mission. Hoping to change the subject he smiled meekly, getting up to his feet and shuffling over to the door, [color=39b54a]"How's about we go ahead and get some dinner, hm? They must have some good food here, what do you say? I'll even buy!"[/color]