A blind 3 on 3 battle. Who would Alex fight along side with? Who will be his opponent? Anything is possible. Best to get set up. In the workshop room, Alex was at one of the desks working on his personal Gunpla, the St/AGE-1 Star AGE Gundam. Over the past few days, the quality of the model was beyond what he could have accomplished alone. He had Dani and her coaching to thank for that. Pannel lines marked well, paint air brushed on instead of put on with a paint brush at the right quality, and the damages done before repaired, like it was a brand new model. He had a chance to try out his model and noticed that the performace was increased nearly tenfold... but he was not used to the loss of resistance and slower movements he had before, so he had to get use to fighting with a better quality model, one that would... Alex twitches and turns around shouting: "Why don't you all take a Picture? It will last longer!" Several students who were right behind him, examining his model were startled and bugged out very quickly. No doubt people who want to get a chance to see what he'd be using. Alex face desks himself and wonders if all the new adjustments to his partner would make him ready enough for the battle. He couldn't understand why he was so worried about a battle now than he was before he won the tournament. But before he could continue thinking, a familiar voice got his attention.