He missed, that was the first thing that happened. She'd moved and then he'd rolled to face her... Then she was engulfed in a whole load of fire, so much so he had to throw his arms up over his to shield himself. He felt pain as the intensity of the heat burned away at the skin of his arms as he let out a stereotypical "Uryghaaaaaaaaa." When he brought them down the only thing left was a burning corpse. Damn. [i]Damn![/i] He was burning mad now! Why did that have to happen? He just wanted to....urghhhh! Where was that stupid armor girl? Where was she? She was so stupid that, if she were still in punching range, he was going to knock her across the park for being stupid. Stupid! Stupidstupidstupid!!! (Basically readying an action. If Pearl is still close to the impact zone and hasn't dodged or been hit by Ifrit's fire he's going to sock her one! If she was hit by it he's still going to punch her, just not as hard. If she dodged out of punch range Danny's going to close distance to her.)