[@HHShetland] It was most certainly necessary to remember how to make the neuro-synapses joining. He couldn't understand the words this being was saying. Although he did think 'Vrist' may be first, 'Zekst' second and 'Vrid' thirdly. Elderi was sure that it called him Ar tu. As Elderi couldn't communicate well with the creature he turned and presented his index finger. Showing the creature what to do, he grabbed his finger. Prompting it to do the same. Closing his eyes he began to delve back into past memories. As slaughter, romance and loss fluttered by him he plucked the instructions from his crowded mind. He would need to channel his ability for a minute to complete the process but he knew how. He waited for the being to grab his finger, smiling slightly and saying 'Vrist' pointing to his hand. Making his free hand a sharp point he wrote his name on the bar top lightly. " E L D E R I , not Ar tu." shaking his head as he said not and Ar tu, just to clarify the matter.