[quote=@Anzu] I've never seen insanity done well, I wouldn't do it on one of my characters as I don't think I know nearly enough, and people tend to use it as an excuse to act however they want. Someone with an actual mental illness would probably be pissed that something they have to deal with is used as an excuse to do whatever, and treated as if it makes them a deranged killer. I feel like a lot of time anti-social personality traits like being blunt, are put as weaknesses to try and 'make up' for having a really strong character, without having an actual weakness. Fairly well definied limits on what their powers can do (not super pedantically, but what sort of opposition could defeat them in a fair fight, a rough idea of how much damage their attacks can do, etc) seems to really help this; vague, open to upwards interpretation power sections are an invitation to powerplay. [/quote] I played a character who was a bit of a deranged killer who thought all the evil he was doing was actually a case of Utopia Justifies the Means, though this particular brand of insanity was more to do with brainwashing and ideological control rather than underlying mental disorders And yes, totally. People should remember that anti-social traits are part of personality and shouldn't be used for balance of power [quote=@Royzooka]. I do have a villain who is broken but he is not unbeatable, he is my general villain who I don't really get to use much. He is kind of like Thanos and Ultron. Thanos in terms of him needing to be gang banged or trapped in someway and Ultron in a way he keeps coming back no matter how hard you try to remove his presence. I have never written something like he blocks all attacks and strikes them all with an unblockable and swift counter. I always give chances for RPer's to counter them back though if it is for the story I may force it upon them, though it is not like I am killing them or anything. Basically if someone just undermines everything you throw at them then you have a OP character, even worse when they know they are doing it but won't stop or write it in a very crap way. Oh when they agrue they are not broken also gets on my nerves where they won't leave and think it is cool just to write a post about how they killed or dominated everyone and everything. [/quote] This is kind of how we handle the Civil Protection High Command units in Half Life 2 RP on Gmod; They are tough as nails, inhumanly fast, highly intelligent and come programmed with enough packaged memories and flash training that their skills could make a Space Marine blush. CP units are told that if you have a good rper, give them chances to escape (or if you're a relatively low rank, maybe even let them win) whereas if the other player is trying to godmode or powergame you, just go all out and beat their character into a bloody pulp.