[center][b] Alistair Krim 12:00 AM Diamonds Are Forever Workshop [/b][/center] The sound of metal clanking and striking. The hiss of metal quenching gently. The slow sound of a gemstone being cut into smaller pieces for further work. Such were the sounds that the neighbours of Diamonds Are Forever had become used to in the years that the Krim family had lived and worked in the shop that was now owned by the young business man Alistair Krim, heir to the workshop and inheritor of the skills his father and mother both held. The red haired youth adorned in a smith’s apron slammed the hammer down on the thin bar of silver he was using to craft the final ring of the set he had been commissioned for. Alistair wiped the thin layer of sweat from his brow that formed from the heat of the the metal. He huffed gently, his wrist sore from the repeated hammering that the rings required. The setting complete for the ring, Alistair looked at the small jade stone he had set aside previously. The Jade stone had a small coiled snake designed in the center of the stone. Alistair set the green stone into the ring and placed the finished ring into a small case that help two gold rings and another silver one. Alistair smiled gently and took off the smiths apron, needing a shower before he stepped out into the city. A shower and a change of clothes later, Alistair pulled on his set of rings on to his fingers. The gold and silver sets sparkled slightly in the sunlight. Alistair placed the gilded blackened helmet over his head. Alistair Krim had become the masked ‘villain’ known as Mythica. Holding the briefcase in one hand, Mythica clenched a hand in to a fist as he stepped out. The feeling of gravity losing its hold was immediate as the ring of the Phoenix released a small portion of its power. Mythica shot into the sky, enjoying the feeling of freedom his ‘powers’ gave him. Alistair was one of the Caught, though his power was a little less obvious than most of the Caught that had become active in Cleveland. -Some Time Later- Mythica dropped to the street gently, the Phoenix ring glow settling down in to nothing as the power seeped away. Mythica was meeting with a man that called himself The Chairman, despite the fact that most people know the underground magnate’s persona and his identity. Mythica stood in the dark of a parking garage of the city. Happy he decided a mask needed an open mouth plate, Mythica took a cigarette from his pocket. The Dragon ring glowed gently as a small flame ignited on his finger. Using the flame to lit the smoke, Alistair took a long drag. The acrid smoke filling his lungs, Alistair felt slightly calmer with the tobacco in his system. Mythica stood and waited, the only light in his dark corner being the small tip of his cigarette igniting with every drag.