[@ThatWeirdChick] Ichika Tomari Match Office "I understand that you don't want me to. I was just saying that I was willing to for you. Having cleared that up, he went back to work on filling out his form. 'Sweet Momo is such a wonderful girl' he thought to himself 'I can't imagine what kind of heroic feet I had to preform in my previous life to deserve someone like her' When it came time for him to list his wingspan, he suddenly froze 'I...I don't know' he couldn't remember ever knowing just how long his wings were. Looking around the room they were in, he found a convenient tape measure 'huh. I wonder if this is here for just such an occasion' he thought to himself. "Hey Momo my sweet, I don't know how long my wings are, could you measure them for me?" he asked as he took off his shirt and held out the tape measure for her