Elderi thanked the keeper with a slight glance and smile, too preoccupied with the [color=bc8dbf][s]veiw[/s][/color] maiden that stood before him. He was not however, blind. After releasing Astrapes hand from his soft kiss, its fore and index fingers extended into two very thin metal wire, sweeping around the bar and into the halflings pocket, taking back the platinum coin with a pincer-snap of the wires, lifting them back and placing the coin into the keepers pocket. If the halfing were only to ask for a tip, he would happily give her many more coins, he was a generous man. [color=6ecff6]"Keeper, your coin." [/color] Elderi turned back to the Thunder Goddess. Eager to show her his little tricks he knew about Elekctrice through shape shifting. [@SimplyJohn]