Grace found herself freed from the attack shortly, but her sting and bird bites still ached. At least Mama Bear was- When Grace turned to see Mama Bear she wasn't thrilled. Mostly because the department would blame this on her somehow. A witty pun in this situation was not forthcoming either, which made this situation feel a little bit worse. At least the animals were safe and the National Guard had arrived. Maybe they had a medic so that she could try to treat her wounds. That was when she realized that The Suit was on the ground and not moving. A voice, decidedly not The Suit's, had said that they surrendered. The Blue Hulk said that they should properly surrender and Grace had to agree with him. Even though it hurt to move right now, she had to at least stop someone else from making a dumb move today. "Hey listen, your boss there is probably really injured and let's face it, metal is not something tends to help you not burn," Grace offered. "At the very least, take off your armor so that you're not roasting in it. I know that at least I don't care about secret identities and the like."