When he directed his sights towards Tess, Phoenix immediately expanded her wings. The bullet pierced her left wing, at the speculum area of the secondary feathers. It was enough to disable her wings, until she next regenerated. She let the force of the bullet send her wings backwards, and she folded them behind her as she took just two steps, and tackled Dean to the ground, though his back was turned to her. She pinned him down from behind, straddling his back to keep him secure. Though her robotic arm looked the same as her human one, as both were covered in identical armor, it was obviously much stronger; therefore, she used her left arm to grab the gun, crushing it in her steel grip. With her other hand, she grabbed that arm, and yanked it back, dislocating it from his shoulder. She made sure not to tear the rotator cuff, but to put extreme pressure on his nerves. Without his gun, and without the ability to use his dominant arm until receiving medical attention, Dean did not pose a threat to her. Seeing the approaching police vehicles, Phoenix held the dominant arm in a still position with her right hand, the gun crumpled into a useless piece of scrap metal in her left. Dropping the gun to the ground by Dean's head, so that he could see it, she folded her left wing around, so that she could see the injury caused by the bullet. The force from the bullet had fractured her elbow, and broken off the tips of several of her feathers. She retracted her wings into her back, and unsheathed her sword with her left hand. The sunlight refracted off of the steel brightly, signaling to the law enforcement officers her position. She spoke a few words under her breath. "You should have accepted my deal."