[@Natty] Christian finally arrived at the Grinder and was being dropped off by one of his fellow models. She also happened to be one of his best friends. On top of that she was a human who for the most part supported mutants. As they pulled up to the dorm she looked over at Christian and sighed. [color=39b54a]"Are you sure that you want to do this? You saw those videos. The school year isn't starting off well and I don't want you to get hurt."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Ashley, I'll be fine. They have to catch me to hurt me. Plus I'm a social blogger. This is pretty much perfect for me. I never thought it would be easy."[/color] He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. [color=ed1c24]"Visit me from time to time. Meet other mutants. They can't be as awesome as me, but I'm sure they'd be cool."[/color] He was about to get out of the car before she unhooked her seat belt and pulled him in for a hug. After the hug was done he got out of the car and went inside to sign-in so he could get his key and all of that. He then rushed back out to the car to unload it and get his things. He carried the lighter things first and rushed to his room. Troy would hear the door opening widely accompanied with a gust of wind. By the time he'd look over the cause would be gone, but he'd see a laptop and a bag of PS3, PS4, Wii, and WiiU games on his roommate's lofted bed. The rush of wind would return and more things would be dropped off on the bed before a blur would exit the room. This continued for a bit and the more it happened the larger that the objects got which also slowed down the blur. When Christian was finished he saw Ashley off and returned to his room where he'd hook up his microwave, tv, games, and fridge before picking up an Oatmeal Cream Pie and looking over at Trey on his bed. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry I took so long. You wouldn't believe the traffic. By the way, I'm Christian, but you can call me Chris if you want."[/color] [@Legion02][@themadhatter420] Alex eventually made it back to the dorms and was about to pass through the Rec Area when he noticed that David and Artemis were there. He headed over to them and plopped down into a chair. He looked up to the TV and saw that they were watching Cops. That show showed a lot about human nature. And it wasn't the good parts either. He looked over at Artemis and her bow. She was showing it to David. Those two were getting along well. He probably didn't even have to be the guy's wing man. [color=00aeef]"Hey, you two. Did you get one of these yet?"[/color] He pulled out the ID Card from his wallet and showed it to them.