Character Sheet Name: Rand Zero Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Starting with his face, he has a strong jaw line, fair skin, blue eyes, long shaggy blonde hair that ends about the middle of his ears and is combed to the side in front so as to not block his vision. His clothing/gear: He typically wears large blue jean jackets, blue jeans, a white T-shirt that goes underneath the jean jacket, black running shoes with white laces, different socks depending on what he feels like and of course undergarments. Speciality: General Information or Secret Stealing, but he prefers Identity Theft. Background: His family was an average one, his father an electrical repairman, his mother a stay at home mom who looked after his older brother and sister and himself because of his father's long hours. Rand was kind of thankful for all of the nice things he got as a child, really nice varnished toy wooden cars to play around with, whatever kind of clothes he wanted, the type of stuff the typical kid wouldn't have. On the other hand, though the typical kid got to play around with his father, and he didn't. As soon as his father would come home from work, the man would put his stuff away and then proceed to teach/lecture Rand about his job and how to do it. So from an early age Rand got a great understanding of how electrical objects operated and how to fix them if they ever malfunctioned. While he was growing up he also had to attend school. It was boring, really boring, but he persevered and got good grades until his later teens, which ironically you'd think he'd have tried harder then because it was his last few years of school, but that is not what happened. It all happened one summer having finished school for said year, he heard of a job in security, and applied for it. Within two days he had an interview and the day after that got the job. At first the job was great, it had a lot of responsibility and a lot of information at his fingertips as his job was actually in the back monitoring cameras, adjusting cameras to see what was going around inside the building, carrying recording devices and/or camera's hidden on his own person if the camera's in the back failed to record information of what was going on as well as lockpicks, he had to use a time or two when suspect tried to change the locks on him. Eventually though he got sick of watching people. Why? Because it was in a school... Monitoring kids, and why? Because apparently there were rumors about these kids doing illegal things... But he had the job for a year and he scoured the place up and down for this illegal activity, and there was none. He was sure of it. So one day he decided to strike back at this company that continually monitored people who were innocent. When all the bosses were on breaks he cut the power to the security businesses control room, locked the bosses in their break room, and as a last kick in their face he took all their 'confidential files' and burned them. As he left the place he decided to find a worthwhile use for his talents, and that is how he came across the band of thieves and in a short space of time, joined them. Personality traits: Talkative, Clever, Sneaky, Acts on his emotions. Tools/equipment: Wire cutters, electrical parts for repairs, a variety of recording devices, lock picks, a flash light, electrical tape, extra electrical wires, a compass. Other: He does not like rainy days.