[center][i]Jiang thought to himself, [color=royalblue]"Yes, I'm so sexist that I don't think that a woman can speak with another woman."[/color] after hearing her accusations on why he thinks she wouldn't work well with him. She was already contradicting herself and her words, but he kept his mouth shut and not let this drag on any further. Soon, she left the room and Baji just shrugged his shoulders and came in closer to the group and continued their discussion. Tetsuya was being secretive of who was already here, Jiang had heard from Takumi but he wasn't going to out him.[/i] [color=royalblue]"Relax, whoever it is and whoever knows about it is sure to have a valid reason to keep it to themselves. Remember that Tetsuya, and know that we don't judge or condemn secrets kept to ensure the safety of others."[/color] [i]After all, he planned on keeping the secret of Lady No and her daughter's involvement. Baji then went on to continue the discussion about Ru, herself. Things weren't going to look good for either of them if all she would do is keep an eye out. Ru had to be stronger than it is right now for whatever tragedy or war that is coming to this land. Shima and Ru had to become friends and allies.[/i] [color=royalblue]"Well, we're going to need to warn Ru. Before we reached Ru, there was an attack, very skilled and elite bandits attacked a fortune teller. We saved her and as a gift she told our fortune and predicted the future. She said that the nearby villages have to prepare for a dark event to come. They must deal with their own issues if they are going to survive."[/color] [i]His voice was as stern and authoritative as he could muster, but he wasn't speaking down to Tetsuya or trying to intimidate him. The survival of those around him was serious business.[/i] [color=royalblue]"I intend to help these people and help Shima. We will be prepared for whatever comes our way."[/color][/center]