[center][h1]The Therianthrope[/h1][/center] [center][h2]Plot[/h2][/center] In a coastal city just under half a million people in population, along with everywhere else in today’s modern world, people with a special gene that allows them to bare the traits and personalities of animals are being discovered. However, the animal-like traits, if not kept in check by the people who possess these genes, can quickly turn them into a hybrid creature with the shape of a human and the enhancements of the animals they have ‘borrowed’ the traits from. While the ones who have been able to keep their gene in check consider this a gift, many people who have only seen the recent outbreak of animal attacks and the prisons flooding with people of these genes are wanting to hunt them down or collect them for whatever reason. Sadly, what they do not understand is that not only do these special humans, now called Therianthropes, have the abilities of animals and can transform into humanistic versions of them, they also contain the very [i]soul[/i] of the animal. These Therianthropes might have to battle with themselves, but they also have to deal with two other problems: hunters and collectors. These people, as the titles suggest, are people who want to kill or capture the Therianthropes for any number of reasons, typically speaking it’s one of three reasons: money, ‘cleansing’, or science. Regardless of their reason, there are two different types of each problem–governmental or personal. While they are both problems, the personal ones often tend to be larger in number and, as a result, more of a bother over the prior. However, there are more personal hunters, they are limited to the realm of everyday laws, meaning they are restricted to the everyday weaponry, regular cashflow, and other limited resources. These problems are null for the governmental forces as they are able to use more advanced weaponry and have a larger supply of cashflow and resources, but they are restricted in the fact the government don't want people to know that money is being used on hunting these creatures to avoid panic and scrutiny from the public. [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] [list][*]I will allow R-rated material in terms of violence, language, and even usage. [*]I will allow up to the max of the Guide Rules in terms of sexual interaction. [*]Please try to keep Therianthropes and Non-Therianthropes to a 1:(1+) ratio. [*]Certain animistic traits may be nerfed and/or removed to prevent over powering. [b]Example:[/b] Weight-lifting capabilities, speed, etc [*]I will accept any real, living creature as the Therian-Spirit. [*]There is currently NO posting order, but [i]please[/i] don't speed-post. [*]Please warn if you going to be gone for longer than 48 hours (2 days) [b]Failure:[/b] After the 4th day, you will be dropped until you return. After a week, you will be dropped and have to re-apply, if possible. [*]If you have questions, comments, concerns, etc. Please PM me or post them in the OOC tab. [*]HAVE FUN! [/list] [center][h2]Roles[/h2][/center] [b][u]Therianthropes[/u][/b] [indent]These are the people who have the secondary, animistic souls inside of their body. Under normal conditions, they generally look and act like regular humans doing the same things as everybody else. However, they are able to mentally communicate to not only their own beast animal, but to others who also have the same condition as them. This gift does not come without a price as without the ability and willpower to keep their therian soul in check, they could lose themselves to the animals they have inside of them. These unfortunate ones who are unable to control themselves and their therian soul start to lose themselves and become nothing more than an animal with a human-like shape, attacking anything that gets too close or too aggressive with it. [indent]Estimated number of therianthropes: 1:100 people. Estimated number of rogue therianthropes: 1:10 therianthropes. Estimated number of injuries/deaths from rogue therianthropes: 1:10 animal-related attack. Estimated number of publicly reported therianthropes attacks: NONE[/indent][/indent] [b][u]Hunters[/u][/b] [indent]These are people who actively seek out and kill anybody who is suspected of being a therianthrope, for whatever reason, be it personal or for glory. However, these people can range from the average hunter using just a shotgun they normally would use for a deer or to more advanced government-issued weaponry. Though, regardless of their reasons and methods, most of them have regular job, but that's not to say that EVERYBODY has a life outside of hunting.[/indent] [b][u]Collectors[/u][/b] [indent]These are people who actively seek out and collect these therianthrope, usually for use at a freakshow, a personal collection, money, or FOR SCIENCE! Just like the Hunters, they too can range from the average person trying to trap one for a quick buck or, once again, governmental. These collectors, however, tend to be focused on the need to collect and may be less apt to have an outside life.[/indent] [b][u]Helpers[/u][/b] [indent]These are people who honestly see the therianthrope as more than just the beasts they could becomes and, more times than not, do anything they can to help them out. Some of them have been known to shelter them, and even try to calm the rogue ones down. Sadly, they are few in number as not many seem to think they are real, and most of the ones who do believe in them want them gotten rid of or in cages[/indent] [center][h2]Goals[/h2][/center] Therianthropes=5 Regular Hunters/Collectors=3-5 Government Hunter/Collectors=2-3 Helpers=1-3 Therianthrope to Non-Therianthrope=1:(1+) [center][h2]Character Sheet[/h2][/center] [hider][center][u]Name[/u] [i](First and Last Name, please!)[/i] [u]Nickname[/u] [i](Any names, alias, etc that the character goes by)[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i](Male or Female, your pick)[/i] [u]Role[/u] [i](Therianthrope (Regular, Rogue) / Hunter (Regular, Government) / Collector (Regular, Government) / Helper)[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i](10+)[/i] [u]Appearance[/u] [i](Picture and/or Written)[/i] [u]Beast Appearance[/u] [i](Delete if non-Therianthrope)[/i] [u]History[/u] [i]([b]Please[/b] include when they discovered their first Therianthrope, when they discovered they were one, and/or why they feel they are real)[/i] [u]Personality[/u] [i](3-5 sentence)[/i] [u]Beast Personality[/u] [i](Delete if non-Therianthrope)[/i] [u]Skills[/u] [i](Are they handy with a gun, medically incline, have super strength, etc)[/i] [u]Weaponry/Equipment[/u] [i](Anything they keep with them be it weapons or otherwise)[/i] [u]Other Information[/u] [i](Misc details you want to add)[/i][/center][/hider]