Eradicator raised his cigar to his mouth, watching the situation unfold. Turns out Frankenstein was smarter than he looked, Eradicator was glad to see he wasn't just some hulking dumbass punching everything in sight. Eradicator moved to stand with Grace and Danny. Pulsecat, or Pearl, refused to take off her armour. Eradicator took his cigar between his index and middle finger before speaking. "I don't think you understand" He spoke "You're currently a wanted woman, you've just helped in the crime of potential theft and attempted murder. You don't have a choice in the situation" He raised the cigar back to his mouth. "Seeing as it was completely of your own free will you don't get a 'Get out of jail free' card here. The government is generally pretty lax on heroes who turn villain and back again but seeing as you aren't co-operating with a government endorsed 'caught' like me they might not take so kindly to it." He holstered his pistol on his side. "What I'm saying is, co-operate and maintain your public identity or don't and either go to jail or pay the fine, with the bad reputation that comes with it for you and your company."