[h2][center]Dr. Gabriel Cole//[color=teal]ICARUS[/color][/center][/h2] [center]==~==[/center] An alert chimed in Gabriel's visor as he more or less fell toward the city of Lost Haven below. He rolled his eyes. [i][color=teal]Never fails- something always needs my attention just when I'm getting to the good part.[/color][/i] He pulled out of his dive, just above the level of Lost Haven's more lofty buildings. [color=teal]"I see it, Daedalus. Isolate incident- what are we dealing with?"[/color] [b]"phase signature consistent with meta activity. obtaining visual."[/b] Within fractions of a fraction of a second, the necessary information appeared before Gabriel's eyes, just in time to watch the meta in question rip [i]the entire front[/i] off of an armored truck and toss it into a nearby storefront. He sighed at that as he began moving toward the alert. [color=teal][i]No points for subtlety.[/i][/color] He checked the address in question- Eastern Avenue and 33rd. Not too far from where he currently was, though he could say that about a lot of places now. [b]"meta ability appears to be some form of shape-shifting. she appears to have shifted her physical state into some sort of metallic alloy. AEGIS functionality is not sophisticated enough to identify alloy in question from this range."[/b] [color=teal]"So we need a close-range scan. Interesting. Has she caused any casualties?"[/color] [b]"none yet, but given the apparent proclivity for violence, i would suggest we not delay."[/b] [color=teal]"Heh. Don't have to tell me twice. Have ARTEFACT-02 on standby, focus AEGIS sensors on the event area, and set them to record. Whatever goes wrong or right here, I want to know."[/color] [b]"acknowledged. do try not to have too much fun, gabriel- we'd like the block to stay standing, after all."[/b] [color=teal]"Yeah, yeah. Just get everything in position,"[/color] he said, finally arriving at the scene of the incident where his quarry was, thankfully, still gloating over her "kill." He smiled to himself, took a deep breath, and configured the Hex-Feathers to RAPID-FIRE Mode. He let loose a volley of low-power shots in front of the meta in question- none that would come close to hitting her, but enough to get her to hopefully back away from where they impacted. Which is where Gabriel himself then landed, arms folded in front of his chest. [i][color=teal]Configure: Hex-Feather Modules- SNIPER.[/color][/i] The Modules responded to his mental command, floating in tight formations over each shoulder, pointing straight at the meta. He glanced at her skin, intrigued. [color=teal][i]Run analysis on composition.[/i][/color] He took a step forward as Daedalus went to work, appearing to size up the criminal in front of him. [color=teal]"I... don't think this is yours, miss,"[/color] he said, gesturing to the armored car (or what was left of it) next to him. [color=teal]"So here's the deal- no one's gotten hurt yet. We can both just walk away and call it a night. If not, though... well. There are six high-powered particle beams pointed at your chest for a reason."[/color] The Hex-Feathers hummed ominously as they charged up, as though to punctuate his remark. He tilted his head. [color=teal]"So. Are you going to leave peacefully? Or am I going to have to encourage you to do so?"[/color]