When Dean was suddenly quiet, his screams having stopped, she let go of his arms, and stepped off of him. Checking his heart rate at his wrist, she lightly brushed her fingers against his eyelashes. As his eyes did not twitch, she knew he was unconscious. Once sure of this, she rolled his body over onto its side, and with a jerk of his arm, relocated his shoulder. Heaving his body over her left shoulder, and Uprising over her right, she slowly made her way over to the police vehicles. The pain in her wing was almost too much to bear, though, so she called out to the nearest officer to take care of the bodies for her. A junior officer, [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/358/8/9/cecilia_mendez_by_sscindyss-d8b1o2a.jpg]Carla Menendez[/url], obliged, aiding Phoenix as she set the two men in the backseat of one of the cars. Carla handcuffed the two, seeming to be used to this. Her nonchalance gave off a vibe of her being unimpressed by Phoenix's actions- she was, as the woman had become Rose's contact with the police, as they had been trained together in the marine corps. As always, Carla would receive the credit for the arrests of the two, to keep the police from seeking out the Phoenix for her semi-illegal vigilante behavior. Thanking Phoenix for her aid with a silent nod, Carla stood guard outside of her car, waiting for her senior officer, her advisor, to come and grant her permission to take the two back to the station. Before leaving the scene, though, Rose slipped a small brochure into the driver's seat of the car, for a psychiatric institute specializing in the rehabilitation of mentally ill criminals. After securing everything, she returned to Tess, and picked up her limp body. Carrying the teenager over to her motorcycle (as she was temporarily without the use of her wings), she set the girl down in the sidecar. Before reporters could get to her, the Phoenix took off, Tess in tow, towards her own hidden hideout. Taking the backroads, so as not to attract attention, she drove slowly, waiting for Tess to wake.