[center][IMG]http://www.auplod.com/u/dpauol4a003.png[/IMG][/center] Maverick had only just finished her taunt and taken a few thundering steps toward the truck before a volley of stubby laser beams cracked down on the pavement a few feet ahead, leaving bubbling, fist-sized patches of asphalt. She looked up and caught her assailant as he descended, arms crossed like he was some two-bit Icon. When he stepped forward, she stepped back, bunching her shoulders up and giving him a grimace like she was preparing to charge. He didn’t look like just another asshole with a pretty gadget or two, and that made her a little more contemplative on the best way to crush him. [color=teal]"I... don't think this is yours, miss,"[/color] he said, and waved an arm back to indicate the wrecked truck. Maverick’s eyebrow twitched. [i][color=b80000]No shit, tin man.[/color][/i] [color=teal]"So here's the deal- no one's gotten hurt yet. We can both just walk away and call it a night. If not, though... well. There are six high-powered particle beams pointed at your chest for a reason."[/color] There was no way Maverick was going to back down--for all she knew, her new boss sent this prick over to see if she was competent in a real Meta fight. Oh, she’ll show them a goddamn fight. But not without milking a little enjoyment out of it. When the man stopped talking, she laughed. [color=b80000]”You really think a couple lasers are gonna do shit? I’m [b]Maverick![/b]”[/color] She smacked her insignia, the force of it kicking up a circle of gravel and very briefly shaking the ground. [color=b80000]”You wanna stop me? Go ahead and try!”[/color] She punctuated her last word with a fist drawn back, coming in hard and fast toward his right. She surveyed his stance and height, gauging that even if she’s blocked she might be able to grapple him around his waist and either throw him or squeeze him until he started barfing nuts and bolts.