[img] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/099/6/d/The_Grim_Reaper_by_FurNasH.jpg[/img] darkos gaze is piercing and dark as he gazes through his mirror at the Blood goddess. "Champions must meet one way or another the gods they serve." Darkos voice powerful and commanding. "Your champions path brings him to the Dark door by the back way. Have him travel there. Bring him to the Underworld." Darko smiled under his cowl "I feel a Champion worthy of my blessing." Darko knew this champion was somewhere. And needed to be found. Darko seemed to have vanished in the pool as the blood spilled back onto the dead guard. Darko summoned his of of his greatest of warriors. [img] http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bb/64/48/bb64485bee9a9049c625f3df5369a924.jpg[/img] a boney hand busted from the ground with armor like it was frozen for centuries. Climbing up out of the ground and a dog frozen and decayed climbed out next to him. They bowed before darkos feet and looked up the dog snarling and the non warrior looked up and in the forbidden tongue he spoke. "What is your orders my Dark Lord." Darko looked at him and his pet and smiled "Head to the furthest corners following the smell of the corpses here. A paticular smell radiates off them...follow it and report back to me"