Annette hummed as she shifted in her seat, glancing over to watch as Uiharu did her work. The girl certainly seemed good with computers, a useful skill that should be present at every Judgment Branch. At least that was one less thing for her to concern herself with, given the skill presented in the rapid search and return. Sadly, what they returned was less than helpful. So, the only known esper who could have done this was dead, eh? Well, that made things trickier, and left them without suspects as to whom the perpetrator might be. It was a pity that the Academy City camera network was basically useless inside alleyways, or else they could have simply seen the entire incident. At this point though, she was not willing to descend to Saten's level of thinking that it was a ghost of all things. Such superstition didn't suit Academy City, of all places. "Well, it could possibly an Esper with the ability to copy someone's abilities," she mused out loud, head bowed slightly in thought. "Though it seems unlikely that they would have held on to the same power for so long." It was better than thinking that it was a ghost. She turned her attention to Nadeshiko then, gesturing to the computer screen and the picture of the man displayed there. "Was this the person who attacked you," she asked in a pleasant tone of voice, aimed at calming. SHe didn't have much hope, but it was worth a shot, right?