[quote=@Error] Looking back, there are grips you could have but they are such things like bounding it in leather or enamel. Its down to you, but during fire-fights you will have a good gun, but like many of the first machine guns (Gats and browning. Both unmovable without a horse and cart) and many SMG's of today, the luger sprays like hell. It also has a terrible recoil. Personally I would recommend you take a derringer, A Winchester Repeater (A normal rifle), Colt peace maker (Most wide spread revolver) or a bunch of throwing knives (If you wanna be all awesome, plus, unlimited ammo), (Im leave in the lemon squeezer out as it is only accurate at 1 to 2 meters. Any further and its crap) On a side note, [@manapool1] A scatter gun. This will fall into the catorgary 'Stupidly rare it doesnt matter how long you have been riding you would never have found an elephant gun' I am feeling nice however. So! I will just point out flaws. 1. Like the luger it isnt american made so would be an import. 2. It is hard to make, they were made for the rich in africa to shoot elephants (hence the name elephant gun). 3. It isnt loaded like a revolver nor a pistole, it is however loaded like a... musket, a minimusket in your poctet. 4. Given the inate lack of big, scary elephants in the US or even anything bigger than a elephant, VERY few people used it, I mean around 100 in the country. You may have one and I wont fight for that as unlike the luger the scatter gun has some surprises like... how the ammo isnt the same as anything sold or how you need lots of black powder. [@booksmusicanime] May I ask if by small pistole you mean a derenger? A ornate dagger is actuly not unseen. On the whole. I love weapons, I do know what is what and all its flaws. [@manapool1] PM me if you wnat help with weapons. [/quote] you said you were feeling nice so you'd spare me. Let me remind you that I out rank you. Regardless, we have different definitions of scattergun. To me, that is the name of a crappy shotgun. You took it to be some high powered blunderbuss that kills anything and is way op. Also, throwing knives? That's not a good idea. Even if you're trained it's very inaccurate and require a lot more training and conditioning than learning to use a single weapon. Why strip down, clean and sharped a bunch of knives that are slower, less effective and easily defeated with a harder material, when you could use a gun. field strip it once a day and have a much deadlier and easier to use weapon.