[@Tyki] On a distant colony world, a large explosion could be seen from orbit, a massive amount of flame erupting in a manner even from orbit, it's glow could almost be felt. The bright flash of light vanishes as quickly as it erupted, and leads to most likely an alarmed group of sergals scanning the area. All they find, is a lot of corpses, and a rather fat creature playing with some bits of broken armor, which looked like shiny coins. On his shoulders is a little girl, one who from what they can tell with a quick scan, is very sick. "I teach mean men not to attack Little one." Aggoth says, gently patting the girl on the head, his hand able to wrap around her entire head, and touch her shoulders. The girl smiles weakly. "..Thank you Aggoth." She says, a horsed whisper. Aggoth frowns. "Little one still not feeling good..I'll get going to find good stuff for you." He says, standing up, letting her rest on his shoulder, as he sets out.