[@Tyki] "....I stay with her, but you can hold her if you get her good stuff to help her." Aggoth says, gently handing her to the sergal leader. Elli, having long red hair and freckles. Her clothing is burlap, made into shirt and pants with rough animal hide string. She's filthy, and a tad on the skinny side, but for someone in her condition, that may be quite a bit better than expected. Aggoth thinks for a moment. "So, fuzzys have pewsticks? Pewsticks....pewicks......wicks......fire!" Aggoth starts, before looking at a near by tree, and setting it on fire with his flame breath (3), a single small stream of fire setting it alight, nothing to overly cause alarm. "Fire is fun!" Aggoth says, and Elli giggles a little.