To ensure that Kei'Taro was kept in her sights, she began circling in the same direction as him. Putting herself at a constant distance from him, shoving aside hundreds of pounds of snow as she did so. What may have seemed like her just traveling through the snow, was actually a cunning plot to trip her foe. With every step she caused the snow to fall apart and make the ground uneven and full of deep holes that his feet would easily snag in. A problem that Pikatok often used to dissuade potential trespassers. As she circled she made sure to ruin the potential path that Kei' would follow, keeping a bit of distance between him and her was always a good idea. The holder of the keys had much more in the way of ranged capabilities than her, which is always problematic when you're entirely limited to melee. Her foe was smart, and cunning, and that's what made him a fun opponent on the field of battle. Yet, he genuinely disliked her as a person. And killing her was likely very high at the top of the list of his goals in life, so trusting him to a fair fight would be entirely stupid and borderline suicidal for her.