[hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/262be3s.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Parrot] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2jcxnr.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] Appearance: Agnastus stands 5 foot 11 inches. He is in great shape from the training from home. He has a nice appearance and has a long scar going down the left side of his face. Name: Agnatus XXI (Twenty-First) Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Owner of a moderately sized thievery guild. Weaponry: 2 stabbing daggers, good for stealth. Apparel: Has light weight leather armor with a cloak, has one knife sheath on his chest, another on his right-hand side hip. Equipment: Basic supplies,(Food, water, etc...)has his pet parrot,(Not magical this time) and his weapons Skills: He is good at stealth, dodging and parkour. He is trained in using a sword but prefers daggers for their speed. He isn't very good at cooking. Has very high intelligence. Magical Abilities: Has a minor illusionary spell that lets him make a shadow appear for a few seconds. Personality: He grew up being taught to fight, not love. He can be a bit harsh in even basic communication, but he tries his best to say the correct thing for the situation. His intelligence almost matches his lethality with daggers with the training in his village with his master. The only thing he loves more than money is his parrot, he doesn't even speak to the parrot very often, they already know what each other think. But overall he enjoys money sometimes more than contact with other creature. Backstory: He grew up in the southern part of Ecen on the beaches. He was part of a richer family and never had problems with educational fees. To take it a step further he even studied with his mother (Who too was intelligent). His father was part of the Royal Guard and was slain during the civil war. After his father died he switched from studying during the nights to practicing with a sword. Soon his relationship with his mother started to diminish. After two months of backyard training, he signed up for the local training group. He started way ahead of the group and was transferred to advanced training. He slowly progressed enough to graduate from the club at 19 and went off into the world with his high intellect and amazing sword skills. After a year of wondering, Agnatus started to get into thieving. He started small with pickpockets and stealing off the bread cart, but it turned into full on break-ins. He started up his guild of "sword training" when he was 20. He recruited the people who he taught in sword combat for his underground thieves guild, and took the best in the classes. He met his pet parrot when he was looting a village early on, it was just sitting on a fence with no one around. He befriended the parrot and now his parrot and him travel together. His guild now has 15 members and sort of "own" a city by having the ultimate influence over it. The influence mainly comes one of the guild members blood line. A young women by the name of Lisanne is in direct relation to the lord of the city. Anytime a guild member is caught, she asks that they are excused, usually it works. Only once was it bad enough it didn't, One of the guild members killed someone, which was against the code of the guild, we threw him to the wolves. The lord asked us if he was with us, but we told him no, he was executed the next day. Suspicion came over the town on who ran the thieves guild and who was in it. He just kept on training with his students and he was left looking innocent. Nobody else knows that he owns the thieves guild of course, but some could assume. Other: Loves birds and has lots of knowledge about most of them.