"Sure, I have some acetaminophen somewhere..." Rose walked behind the counter at the end of the lobby, and knelt, rummaging through the drawers. After a moment, she emerged with two bottles of water, and a few little round pills. Returning to Tess, she sat beside her, handing over to her a bottle and the pills. "You need to stay awake for the next twenty-four hours, or if you go to sleep, wake up every two. Someone should monitor your condition. Anyhow, I wanted to speak with you in private, about your abilities. And I wish you would tell me your full name in confidence, or else I will be unable to give mine to you." Helmet still on, she raised the mask slightly, so that her lips were just barely visible beneath the helmet. She wore a bright red lipstick, which was slightly smudged, bleeding a bit into the pale foundation on the rest of her face. Lifting the other bottle of water to her mouth, she took a long, deep gulp of it, before speaking again. "I wanted to tell you that you did a phenomenal job at the mall. You acted quickly, and you thought on your feet. However... you need to understand that it is not your job to do so. I am not saying you should not play the part of a hero. Simply put, the fact that you have powers does not obligate you to use them in such a proactive fashion. Law enforcement is a dangerous business, and no one is forcing you to participate in it. Your own safety should be your primary concern, above anyone else. Do you understand?"