So it was true, the Splatter was a dumb as he was ugly. By the time the behemoth spewed his cruse filled rant General Freedom was racing into the air. Having leaped into the air while the mindless brute was breaking free and throwing his childish tantrum, General Freedom was already rising at great speed. It was also true, this guy, for all his power was naught but a child. However powerful the Splatterer thought he was; was of course of his perceptions. General Freedom had fought the extra-solar alien Fury to a standstill twice. That had been a brutal couple of fights, neither side giving way to the other. They had wrecked a goodly portion of Gotham in their first fight and completely demolished Philadelphia in their second. The concussive wave from Sigmund’s teeth clacking was impressive, but all it did was cause the hero to tumble, crash into and through the World Finance Bank’s 18th floor. Finding himself tumbling towards the street on the other side of the building, General Freedom pumped more energy into his flying. With a tremendous roar he spiraled into a tight corkscrew, then flattening out into a trajectory that shot him down 10th avenue. Behind him several sonic booms erupted as he pulled up into a near vertical climb. Those below saw a brilliant cobalt blue star in the daytime skies. [color=00aeef]“You just made a mistake bunky!”[/color] Earth’s mightiest hero muttered as he arched back in an Immelmann, [color=00aeef]“If you want to fight you got it.” [/color] The ZPE was racing around his fists, across his chest, down his back and roiling around his legs. Let’s see if the oaf can fly, General Freedom thought, if not he would be in for a rude lesson in tactical fighting.