From what Kenji could comprehend, the conversation about who was to meet the leader of Ru turned into a rather sour argument between Jiang and Yuudai, the former not liking to be accompanied and the latter having a problem with that. The Neko tried to calm the situation down but Kenji could only stare and keep quiet, not knowing how to exactly defuse the heated argument. In the end, Yuudai stormed out of the room and left the three men in the Neko's room. Jiang continued the discussion and told an edited truth to Tetsuya regarding the dark future all of Baji were to face. While Kenji could see the reasons for secrecy, there was a flaw that might bite them in the future. "[color=a36209]Secrets kept may ensure safety, but it kills trust. And trust is something we will need in the future, yes?[/color]" He voiced out to no one in particular... or maybe everyone in the room. "[color=a36209]But enough about these secrets, Mister Tetsuya has already talked to Lady Ru about Shima. If so...[/color]" Kenji turned to Jiang. "[color=a36209]I'm sure Lady Ru takes her job seriously and will do more than keep an 'eye out' despite her words.[/color]" Kenji said. "[color=a36209]However, if you insist on meeting her then I recommend you take Mister Tetsuya since he has already met Lady Ru and so will likely smooth out the meeting.[/color]" He continued. "[color=a36209]But... that is just what I think. Feel free to ignore it entirely.[/color]" From where things were going, Kenji had a feeling things were not going to be peachy. Perhaps this was the reason his Lord Oja was not very proactive?