[@knighthawk] If you're looking for any feedback, I prefer the Elfe to the Deor, only because I think having a mute character might be too restrictive. Unless you're looking to play both? [@November] Orphaned thief sounds cool - can't wait to see it! [@kimiyosis] So sorry, I didn't notice the dropdown box for the creature you posted earlier... Just saw it now - awesome creativity! Here are our current posted characters: [u]Ship's Captain, Wilton Grady[/u] - An ex-soldier on an aimless path for a vengeance that doesn't exist. [Isengrim] [u]First Mate, Alexander van Williams[/u] - Black sheep of a well-to-do family, now a deft hand with any and all ranged weapons. [@Lotta Pumpkins] [u]Ship' Doctor, Vylmor Octavious[/u] - A drug-lord-turned-medic with an eye to right a terrible wrong perpetrated by his own kin, while running from his own sins. [@Dondude] [u]Master Gunner, Balder Goldenwood[/u] - A distinguished warrior with his career behind him, now training and defending his surrogate family. [@RyanTadashi] [u]Sailing Master, Elara Rennway[/u] - One of the best sailing masters in the skies, this young merchant's-daughter-turned-pirate is living her dream as she travels the world. [@XSilentWingsX] WIP / Pending Sellsword [@bakugou] Quartermaster [@Elysium] Master Wright [kimiyosis] Gunner [knighthawk] Pirate [knighthawk] Thief [November] Ward [@shaitarn] Pending [@71342] Totalling THIRTEEN PCs! Yowza, yowza, yowza! I think it's time to close the curtains on the Interest Check and say we won't be accepting any more authors for the time being. Thank you again for all of your interest, I love what you've come up with so far. I am going to create the IC/OOC threads this weekend. Those of you who don't have characters up yet, please try to have them up asap so I know how to include characters specifically in the opening post, and how to best break up the action into different groups. If you can't have it up by then, no big deal, but I'll probably just gloss over that character for the first post. A couple of last things: two of you have PMed me with some cool backstory ideas for your characters, which we talked a bit about working into the future plots. Anyone else, absolutely feel free to let me know what sort of stuff you'd like to see develop with your characters, so I can seed it into the plot. And, finally, what are your thoughts on language/content? Initially it didn't matter to me but ever since we settled on the Sky Pirates theme, I've been picturing my character just cursing up a storm, and that just being a feature of not just his personality but this world in general. I'd rather just go with real words instead of making up fantasy swear words (one of the rare times I don't want to create some trivial detail!). Figured I'd ask though just to make sure it wouldn't make anyone uncomfortable. If you want, feel free to PM me, and if I get any reservations about it then I'll make sure Grady checks his lip ;)