I finally finished. Only moments before the bell rang, which told all of us that it was time to stop working, I finished my final. This was even the last class of the day, too. I wasn't sure if my rushed effort would get me an A, but it probably wasn't going to fail me. I practically flew out of class, and nearly ran over one of my friends, Greg. "Hey, Alan!" He shouts at me, later shouting "Slow down and let me talk!" I slow down after I run out of energy, which honestly was too soon after I started running to be considered anything more than 'embarrassing'. "Okay, good, now that I can talk, I gotta tell you. I finally finished this great new game. It's called 'Chrono Trigger', and it's on that handheld... er... what was it's name, again?" I manage to not facepalm, considering Greg thought of himself as a gamer, and he made a mistake someone like me, who hasn't played a game in years wouldn't have. "Greg... that game's been out for years. What you played was some sort of remake or remastering, or something. My cousin used to play that game, and tell me all about it when he used to come over. It's not new," Greg laughs, and says "Well... I mean, obviously I was joking, right?" Whatever joke he was trying to make, it wasn't a good one, making it even harder to fake a laugh as I continued to head towards my ride home. The ride home seemed to take forever considering the fact that finals were out of the way, and I essentially had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted... at least for three months or so, and once I got there, I bolted straight for the door, ignoring an odd package that was apparently addressed to me, and sitting in front of the door. My parents weren't home at the time, so I didn't even have to talk to anyone before entering my room. Ah, my room, the place was a complete mess with my bed that I haven't made in months, as well as the random balled-up and tossed around drawings of dragons that I felt weren't even good enough to keep for one reason or another, and even the cans of soda, one of which was open, the other of which was probably warm and flat by now, which sat next to the chips on my computer desk, which also functioned as an easel if I don't have room to set up the actual easel I had. Considering the random things strewn on the floor, which have been there for who-knows-how-long, I haven't gotten to use it as an actual computer desk for a while, and actually had an unfinished drawing already on it. I didn't finish the shading or the coloring yet, and I didn't put a lot of detail into the mountain in the background, either. I was eager to start, and since nobody else was home, I did just that, making sure to use just the right pencils so I get the right color of grey for the shading, as for detail, I placed a few more trees on the mountain, as well as one that looked as though it was destroyed by the dragon in the foreground. I was in the middle of shading said tree when a very loud and annoying beep, which indicated that I, for some reason or another, have received an E-mail from someone... odd, since my friends didn't usually bother due to the fact that I almost never check my E-mail, despite my computer reminding me every time I got one.