[img]https://tools-lxa.mail.com/thumbnails/dT1hSFIwY0Rvdkx6TmpMVzFoYVd4amIyMHRiSGhoTG5ObGNuWmxjaTVzWVc0dmJXRnBiQzlqYkdsbGJuUXZhVzUwWlhKdVlXd3ZZWFIwWVdOb2JXVnVkQzlrYjNkdWJHOWhaQzkwWVhSME1GOHlMUzB0ZEcxaGFURXpaVEkxWWpOa1pUTm1ORFV5TWpBN2FuTmxjM05wYjI1cFpEMHdRa1U1UVRnNE1VWXpOVVE1UXpKR09VRkVNVGN3UXpkQk9EUXlNalZEUWkxdU1pNXNlR0V4TldJXyZ3PTgwMCZoPTYwMCZxPTc1JnQ9MTQzMjk3MDA0Mw__[/img] Name: Eleen O'Lair Nickname(s): Lee, El Gender: F Age: 13 Appearance: Much like the picture above. She has [I]lots[/I] of charm and cuteness stored up her sleeves. Adaptation: Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself. She can render these copies invisible, and after a day they disappear. Can be used for enemy confusion and/or her minions. You can tell which one is actually Eleen by the ever so slight difference in her minions' appearance. Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2OD-dV7j_I]Mz Hyde by Halestorm[/url] Bio: Eleen, being young, could not be sent to prison for murder. No. The drunken stupor, the man trying to help her, his screams of pain as she stabbed him repeatedly, were games for Eleen. She couldn't wait for the [i]real[/i] fun to get started as she was carted off to the asylum. She craved for more and more experiments, more, always more. Personality: Extremely two-faced. Don't trust that smile, the charm, the cuteness. Number: 3