[@Gareth]'What are the Icarus and what is the Western Wastes like?' contemplating that word that he said. "What man in his right mind has never heard of the Icarus? The small airship was the first ship the breach the western wastes. However, lets remember that ships had been trying for years, HUNDREDS of men went to the slaughter all to see what was on the other-side, turns out. All it was is a huge barrage of guns. Captain Harold Star-watcher led his fleet of 16 ships into the teeth of the beast." He paused and re adjusted his glasses "I should know, I was there." he took a deep breath and sat back in his chair. "Look, in my life I did some bad things. Seen some terrible catastrophes. But nothing, NOTHING! Worse than what happened on that day. In ten minutes, our small fleet of 16 was decimated into 6. Jolly Flyer, The Elephant, Ol' Bessie, Whale Oil, Sagitarius and my ship the Dead Man. Those guns cut us to pieces and we were powerless." he sighed and looked down "So I ran. When the jolly flyer went down we turned tail. We made it out but that western wastes are not the best to be." he sat back and looked at him "But that's a story for another time. Whats your story?"