[centre][b]~Name~[/b] Leigh Vile [b]~Nick Name~[/b] Vile [b]~Age~[/b] 19 [b]~Appearance~[/b] Leigh is 6'2" with a bulky athletic figure. His long straight hair is dark brown and sits tied back into a tight plat. He is fair skinned and wears slim metal grey clothing under his gear. [b]~Bio~[/b] A humble hard working young man Leigh has worked with the hunter in his village for years learning the trade skill required to take care of the basic duties needed to keep the small village he called home safe. The duties in question were never anything particularly hard, protecting live stock during monster migration mostly and gathering monster and insect parts from weak monsters near by was most of Leigh's life. But once the ecosystems started suffering, so too did his village. Nearly entirely cut off from the outside world, Leigh has taken up the call of arms to be a true Monster Hunter in the hopes of helping not only his village but many others too! Humble and calm, Leigh isn't one for showing off and tackles his work with light hearted dedication. Though sometimes his curious nature gets the better of him, he has a weak spot for Felynes. [b]~History~[/b] There isn't anything extraordinary about Leigh's past, he grew up in a simple little village that lived off a near by forest rich with monsters and vegetation. From a young age Leigh's curious nature has bought him face to face with monsters on more than one occasion, his calm demenor and aptitude for stumbling across the creatures caught the attention of the local hunter who worked for the village, taking Leigh under their wing, Leigh helped to trap, hunt, skin and deal with the basics of Monster Hunting. At age 16 he was given his own official position as a hunter in the village and put in charge of some basic duties to bring some extra income and prosperity to the village. [b]~Gear~[/b] Leigh has an assortment of basic HP potions, Iron Lance and a beginner set of Blade Master armour. [/centre]