In this RP, we are students going to a boarding school. Each character has a unique ability, such as telekinesis or shapeshifting. [hider=Rules] [list] [*] Keep it PG-13. Romance is allowed, but no further than holding hands/hugging/kissing. Swearing is [b][i][u]NOT[/u][/i][/b] allowed. Thank you. [*] Post at least 3 paragraphs, unless there is dialog. [*] Grammar/spelling mistakes should be few, but not all of us are perfect, so I'll accept a few mistakes. [*] Not everybody is perfect. Remember that when creating a character. [*] You may have more than one character, but no more than 3. [*] Please be active! If you are going to be inactive for abit, please let us know how long you will be inactive for, and tell us when your back. If you are going to leave the RP for good, please let us know and I will open up some more spaces. Just don't randomly leave, ok? [*] Just so I know you've read this, please put your characters favourite book in the CS. [/list] [/hider] Just so we don't have any people with the same power, here is a list of powers that have been taken: Feel free to chat or ask any questions!