[hider=Prince Alaric] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/9/93/Kent.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080405153806[/img][/center] Name – Prince Alaric Age – 24 Gender – Male Sexuality – Straight Land of Origin – Balder Covenant – Way of White Personality – Alric, though young, is a knight of some skill and experience. Brave in battle, he is skeptical and somewhat shy when talking to others, especially since coming to Lordran. He knows he cannot complete his fathers quest alone, however, and is willing to accept help despite of his suspicious nature. Arsenal – Longsword, Balder Shield, a higher quality version of the Balder Set (complete with pants!) Magical Traits – Alaric dabbles in divine magic, and knows the miracles Heal and Emit Force. [i]Balder was the Home of the Knight King Rendal, but the kingdom was reduced to ruins after a widespread outbreak of Undead.[/i] [i]-Balder Shield description [/i] One of King Rendal's sons, Alaric is a knight of Balder who came to Anor Londo along side his father and a company of his greatest knights. After the ravaging of Balder by the Curse of the Undead, they came to seek a cure. Of the nearly fifty knights that left to fight along side their king, only Alaric remains unhollowed. The chances of him leaving Anor Londo are growing slim, and so is his chances of completing the quest. Still, Alaric has sworn an oath to never give up, and it is only this personal conviction that has kept him from going mad. [/hider]