[@TheWindel][@TheDarkTemplar][@Eleventhfret][@Diggerton][@SwarthyBard126][@Crimson Lion][@Against This] [s]I have an IC post in progress right now. [/s] [b]Timeline:[/b] We did a 2 week skip from the previous events. The events that occurred during this period are relatively little. The Babettes returned with Searzon's corpse and have since been on standby. The Jaegers have also successfully returned after defeating Napsezal. However, Reiner has departed back to The Water Kingdom because something happened to his niece. Jade took after him. Though the Jaegers lost two members, they also gained one more. Adrian, Against This's character, is a new character. A strategist type sent by the Water Kingdom, he has joined the Jaegers. That was a week ago. Currently, we're all in camp doing our own business. We could be talking, eating or off on our own. Post as you see fit. Oh yeah, Gregorias has decided to call the monsters' Blight. He's divided them into several classes from D to S. Also, as for how the general plot will go from now... we might fight one or two more creatures before the central plot begins; which is finding out the real reason these creatures are appearing and stopping the root of the cause.