[center][h1]Arios[/h1][/center] [@Silen Syanka] "Apologies, my princess." he said, making a formal bow. Then, swimming half way around her. Looking at the trench behind her. "There was...a certain calling." he added, looking at the blackness he loved. Almost with an enchanted, daydreaming voice. But he quickly shook himself awake from his dream and turned back at her. "The First Advisor has many tasks. And I am afraid most of those are incredibly unadventurous. So please forgive me princess, but I will not bore you with the day to day tasks of a mere advisor such as myself." he said with a cheerful voice, swimming around Thalassa. Not to intimidate her, thought that might have given her the impression. He just enjoyed swimming very much. It was a childish habit. For a while he stayed silent. Until he stopped right in front of her, looking straight in her eyes with his own azure blue eyes. He had a certain gaze, a gaze like he watched straight through you. Especially to teenagers he had the effect of looking at them like he knew everything they ever did. He doesn't, of course. But it were those sharp eyes piercing you, telling you ‘he knows’. "A princess such as yourself is much too important to be bothered with all that daily ramble. No, royalty is always destined for something greater. Maybe a great quest awaits you? Who knows?" he said, with his almost seductive, slow voice. It was slower than usual. And he put a great emphasis on 'great quest'. Ambitious people are always more eager to act in certain ways. He allowed a second to pass, once again in silence. Then, to break the tension that had built up. "Oh but princess. Such a radiant beauty such as yourself should not be near such a horrible thing like the trench. No! Your bright colors should be in the city, enchanting every boy's heart." he said in a much easier, faster and cheerier voice, while he made a little distance between him and her.