Panril watched with wide eyes and mouth agape as the Grand Cleric fought back and the assassin was caught. It was hard to see the action through the pushing crowd and the dissipating smoke, but the guards had apprehended the assassin. Panril swallowed as the elven women dropped her blades and seemed to surrender, but Panril knew better then to believe that the battle was so easily won. Even with a blade pressed into her throat the assassin was smiling, making Panril realize that she likely had a back up plan. Maybe more assassins hiding in the shadows, waiting for a perfect moment to strike. With such a big target it would have been foolish to send only one assassin. For some reason she was having some sort of morality debate in her head. She wanted the assassin to be killed, anyone to attempted to stab the grand cleric deserved death, and yet she felt the urge to leap out of the crowd and beg for the assassins life. Was it because she was an elf? Or because assassins normally did what they had to to survive? She stood up slightly straighter when she watched the human pull the other Templars off the assassin. So she wasn't the only one who was thinking of her life. By now most of the crowd had run off, those who remained kept far away from the action. Hightowners nervously clutching their bulging coin purses. Panril took a deep breath, taking a step towards the assassin and the chantry members. She called out to them, trying to sound brave. "Please messeres! Please show the elf mercy! Mercy messeres!" She tried not to sound like she was begging, hoping she could appeal to them. Her knowledge of Shem religion was a bit rusty, but she knew enough. "This is an opportunity to show her the love of the Maker! To convert her to His love!" Yeah she was preaching through her teeth, but it might be enough to convince the chantry.