The night was dark as a lone figure trekked through the the plains of Negotia, his features hidden by the hood of the drab dark grey cloak he wore. Holstered to his back, however, was a rather odd weapon that was not commonly seen in these parts, a Naginata. The blade was a sterling silver that gleamed faintly in the moonlight, as did the lacquered ironwood shaft. The weapon was simple in design, made for practicality in mind and leaving little room for embellishments. A sigh escaped the man's lips as his feet ached with a familiar pain, begging him to rest. He ignored it, to busy trying to figure out the conundrum that was his little glowing guide. "I wonder where you are leading me, my little friend, and I do hope that it's somewhere close by." The ball of light had appeared before him earlier in the day as he was helping a farm with reaping their harvest, swirling around him in a playful fashion, yet always managing to stay out of range of his hands as he tried to grasp it. It was like nothing else he'd ever seen before, and his scholarly curiousity made it impossible for him to ignore such a thing. He quickly finished what he had promised to do, then left immediately after the orb. It was only after he was quite a ways from the farm that he realized that, in his haste, he had left his horse behind. So he was know stuck walking as he followed this mysterious orb to Jergal-knows-where for Frin-knows-what. To say that this was an embarassing predicament was an understatement, and it certainly took its toll on Aiden with every step. "I can guess why you've come, little friend, your master probably heard of the legend 'Wyrmslayer', then sent you to find him. Well, I'll tell you right now, the legend is a lie . . . I'm no hero, I wasn't able to save my father, my sister, not even myself after the ordeal. Why Fate decreed that a failure such as myself should be gifted with his blessing is beyond me." Aiden pulled down his hood , ruffling his Silver hair and looking up into the starry night sky, his ice-blue eyes glazing over as he considered the past 9 years. "I've slain no monsters, rescued no damsels, all I did was fruitlessly attempt to save my sister and avenge my father, and failed to do either one." With a final sigh, he pulled up his hood, a hollow chuckle emnating from it's depths. "I'm sorry about the negativity, little light, I'm usually a much more sociable person to be around." The light simply continued its whimsical flight, and Aiden continued to follow it to where ever it was leading him.