[center][h1]Arios[/h1][/center] [@Silen Syanka] "A true shame. The spotlight is to be adored. You should not be afraid of it." he said happily as he twirled in the water. Swimming like a happy fish as he remembered the few times he publically held a speech. Oh how they had cheered for him. It made his heart beat faster. "You will find your suitor soon enough. My lady." he then told her with his normal smile. But when she asked about the feeling in the water, he froze for a second. Few had felt the real Dark Tides. And even more knew it was more than just a strange current. It was a call. From the depth. From the darkness that craved to crawl its way back up and rule the Oceans like it once did. He began to slowly approach her. With his shark-like tail he truly looked like a hungry predator. "Do you know war? My lady? Do you know the screams of those who die and the horrors creatures bring upon each other?" he said, slowly as he kept getting near her. Eventually he was just a few inches away from her face. "Do you know of the Wars of Atlantis? How the sea churned and whipped and took countless lives." he looked at her, for a quick second with his killer face. Not a gruesome monstrosity of a face. For a second he dropped the mask of an easy going smile and revealed the face chiseled out of stone. Expressionless. Emotionless. The face of a man who just didn't care anymore. But as quick as it appeared, he hid it again behind his smiling mask. "Some would tell you those currents originated from the echoes of those wars. But that is utter nonsense of course. It is just a strange current. Nothing more." he told her. He loved playing with her. She was so innocent and young. How could she ever comprehend the horrors of a war? Of taking a man’s life? Never the less, he greatly enjoyed himself.