[h2]Saten Ruiko[/h2] Ruiko grinned. Naturally, to her, the fact that the perpetrator definitely appeared to be the same as in the pictures meant that the rumor was correct. There was a ghost causing all this trouble! She didn't really know how to stop a ghost, but... this was Academy City, right? They probably had some kind of... anti-ghost project or something! That had to be the case, right? Well, regardless, she simply felt really pretty pleased that everything was fitting the rumor so perfectly. After all, the idea of a ghost going around and messing with Espers totally wasn't completely impossible and far-fetched, right? Right. Of course, Ruiko got a bit distracted when she noticed that the smaller girl was squeezing the taller girl's... rear for some reason! Whoa, were they a couple? Obviously it wasn't a problem, but that was pretty bold... Ruiko paused for a moment and eyed Uiharu's skirt. No, that'd be hard from this angle... Oh well, she'd have to wait to try something like that out! [h2]Misaka Mikoto[/h2] So the guy who did it looked just like the guy who was killed in the accident? ... More and more, Mikoto couldn't help but question if there was something going on there. It wouldn't be the first time that something shady like that had gone on by far. But... the only way to really be sure was to find out more evidence, and it didn't look like there was going to be anything they could turn up too easily right now. The girl was still pretty shaken, too, the taller girl had hugged her... "There's no wa-..." ... Was... was she squeezing the... her... Blushing red, Mikoto quickly turned away. That... that had to be an accident, right?! There was no way anything like that could have... could have... It... it was an accident right?!