[b]Name:[/b] Leo Renton [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [B]Head: [/B] Blonde hair which has a schoolboy cut with a long fringe that covers his right eye. His eyes are blue although not many people see them as he will normally wear sports sunglasses to cover up the scar on his left eye. Although not many people see his eyes they are a blue turquoise but his left eye is dark red. His complexion is slightly tanned he has a few spots appearing just below his nose but they aren’t very noticeable. [B]Torso: [/B] Leo will normally be found wearing a black Hoodie which is black with silver details it has the insignia of his favourite earth Team (England) on the right hand side. Underneath this he is normally wearing a long sleeved black and blue striped shirt. In the right pocket of his tracksuit he always keeps a picture of his family and him. [B]Arms: [/B] Leo’s Arms aren't normally visible but when they are you can see distinct tan lines on the upper arm. His arms are quite long but also muscular. [B]Legs: [/B] Leo normally wears some sort of cargo trousers normally in black or brown. Again he has long legs. He has a scar very visible on his right thigh from his knee up to the hip. [/hider] [hider= Equipment, Abilities, and Personal Strengths + Weaknesses] Equipment: Leo Carries the Knife that was stabbed into his leg, he carries it as a sign of what happened and to make sure that he never has to run away again. [b]Ability: [/b] (Spatial) Light control, Photo kinesis. -Abilities Strengths: With his power Leo is able to bend light around his body turning him practically invisible. Light is able to become a hard substance. Enough to create a small shield that could protect light him for projectiles -Abilities Weaknesses: The bending of light creates a distortion where he is, it is easily noticed by the trained eye. The Hard light is like plastic, it can take a few shots before shattering, as more shots impact the shield it becomes harder to keep it up and eventually he would have to destroy it. Personal Skills: Personal Weaknesses: He is very weak minded. If confronted with a problem it would hard for him to make decisions easily. He despises thugs or any type of gang this would influence his decision making skill massively. [/hider] [Hider= History] Leo has had a somewhat troubled past. He was always the friendly one of his friend group that, at least that was until the event with his family. Leo and his Parents were walking in a shady part of the city when they were surrounded by a gang of thugs. His father was always an honourable man and tried to fight to protect his family. Unfortunately he was massively outnumbered, he was hit by some and one of them had a knife. Leo could do nothing but hide, after all he was only nine at the time. The thugs stopped attacking his father once they were certain he wouldn’t be getting back up and turned their attention towards Leo and his mother. They split them up whilst one half attacked the mother, the others went for Leo, He tried to block out her groans of pain and instead focused on staying alive. The thug with the knife stabbed him in the leg, just as he did so Leo kicked back at him dragging the knife back with him. He took it out and hit the others who were surrounding him. He was crying like never before, he ran as fast as he could towards the nearest medical centre. He stopped when he reached the corner luckily the area he was now in was equipped with CCTV, due to this fact it seemed that the men chasing him had lost interest. He wouldn’t dare look to see what they were doing to his mother, her screams explained the whole story. He limped towards the medical centre, he was not proud of what he had done and did not tell any of the staff in the medical centre what had happened that night. Ever since then he was never the same child. He became quieter more defensive. He was left to an orphanage who looked after him. He hated the place, he couldn’t think, he would often just go outside and stare into the distance, and he would just to relax. His bonds to his friends faded over time. After the event Leo’s personal life went downhill, He didn’t have the cleanest record. His school colleges would often bully him about the fact he was a loner, or a low life, and most of the times he would react with violence he’s had several cases of Assault and Verbal abuse, and has been in prison for 6 months in total. After coming out he was a different person, he was calmer he could hold his own. He was still very defensive, but he had changed for the better. He now resides at a foster home and attends school two years behind everyone else. His power was a surprise to him, He never would’ve thought of him having an ability like that. He practiced out of sight, if his foster parents had found out they would’ve freaked out and reported him to the military. No one could know. He practiced his power in private and never told anyone. He knew what they would do if the military found out. [/hider]