I AM ALL OF THE HYPE! [IMG]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7s8x849Bv1r08h92.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cf.chucklesnetwork.com/items/1/2/7/5/3/2/original/this-is-skyrim.jpg[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BHKLVr_Cxw] These Men of the north have Suffered too long! The Anger it swells in their veins. Of the spirited roars of lost warriors' songs. Distant Echoes are all that remain.[/url] [CENTER][I][B]Conquer the anger and ravenous rage! Make it a part of your power! Pummeling down let your bloodlust engage! Under your force they will cower! Feeling the fury so pure and so bright! Breaking the bonds of surrender! Under the moon for our home we will fight! And we will die to defend her! And my voice is my violence! Clear the sky's frozen tears! And no more we'll be silent! With this Sovngarde song in our ears! [/B][/I][/CENTER]