[center][h2][color=Pink]Thalassa[/color][/h2][/center] [@Legion02] Thalassa watched him with pink eyes wide with horror. She had never seen true war. Only had she read about it in old history books, and been cursed with Nightmares of what might have actually happened that horrible age. Arios had the direct Appearance of a shark. Even if he hid it well, he couldn't completely disguise all of it. The smile of a mask that painted his face for most of his waking hours, with it's cheerful appearance and brilliant gleam. Even that had a sharkish sharpness beneath the smile, beneath the deceiving kindness. Thalassa felt as though she was a cornered little fish, with no where to go, but into the great jaws of the sea beast. The way that he had a obsessive tone as he spoke about the darkness awakening, it chilled her to the bone. His eyes dark and filled with the bloodlust of war. Wishing to change the topic from things that seemed to trigger his interest, she opened her mouth and asked, [b]"[color=pink]What is planned for this week?[/color]"[/b]