Something small and dark moved at rapid speeds with a clear goal in mind. Anything that stood in their way would not only find its head turned inside out, but also have a bunch of other unmentionable things done to them as well. Even the air seemed to get a little colder as the walking apocalypse made contact with her prey in mere seconds… “Hello there Mister Amadeus,” Marianne said sweetly, suddenly appearing by the boy’s side and interlocking her fingers around his arm in a death grip. “I was looking all over for you. Can you believe I had to threaten five people just to find your location? But you’re here now….” The dark mage then noticed where they were standing and who’s tent Amadeus had probably just exited. The light smile didn’t falter one bit but her grip became harder, if that was even possible. Yes, Alice was a new addition to their merry little band. An addition that could prove to be dangerous in more ways than one. “Were you visiting Miss Alice?” she asked slowly. “Ah, she’s a very kind woman. Taking the time to craft our forces new weapons. She indirectly creates death and that’s so wonderful of her. I’m a little jealous to be honest at how casual she treats her work…” The girl’s tone became low as she set her one-eyed gaze right at the boy she was clinging to. It was enough to stare right through a man, not matching the small smile still gracing her lips. “So…what were you two [b]T.A.L.K.I.N.G.[/b] about?” On the other side of the camp, another force was minding her own business. In comparison to Marianne though, this one was infinitely more lighthearted and certainly less threatening and trigger happy. “Aw man, it’s a nice day to kick some ass!” Solanne’s exclamation was directed to no one in particular, just the ones nearby to listen. Since Marianne had unofficially joined their mission, she had contacted her orphanage to reassure them that no, she wasn’t out making people their own graves again. Just one more person to look after. Grinning to herself, the Crimson Hound decided to relax for once. So she opted to take a fine stroll around the base camp, ready to make conversation with anyone else really.