Name: The Grey Cloaked Strings Race: Human/Elven Weapons/spells/abilities: Every member wields a long bow and has a quiver of arrows. As well as this they carry a light weapon their choice, mostly short swords and axes. Alignment: Chaotic good Good, Evil or fighting your own side: Good History: The Grey Cloaked Strings (The Grey Cloud) are a renowned hit and run archer troop of men and elves. Formed in the early years of the red plague - the troop has grown in fame over the last few hundred years. Some veteran elves have been members since it was born. They are called The Grey Cloud as that is what most of those they face see last, a vast grey cloud of arrow heads sailing through the air. Description/appearance: The troop is only men and elf. All wear long grey cloaks, with dyed grey leather armour beneath. Almost all of the troop appear this way in battle, but dotted around are veterans and sergeants. Veterans have a long crimson streak down the back of their cloaks, resembling all those they have killed. Sergeants hoods are capped with a single iron horn, representing the iron strength they control in their men. Previous battles(if any): The troop fought in the Red demise, helping to whittle away at the demonic spawn - giving the bright hand the time they needed to shut the portal. Other battles include Harpit Bay and Valsre. They are however known more for their ambushes and traps that balance the odds, so that the footmen of a given army can charge in to a victory. Allegiance(Clan/Group etc): The troop do not answer to any in particular but to occasionally look to the council of Atherio for guidance on potential targets, other than this the troop follow their leader Naeluin Greytree. Naeluin Greytree - a veteran archer, but middle aged by Elven standards, this sharpshooter is not to be reckoned with. He may have a 80 strong troop behind him, but his bow alone has slaughtered thousands of enemies, countless arrows have flown from its string. He has dark auburn skin, with even darker brown eyes and black hair. His face and complexion is young and handsome but he bares a scar, a clean cut, down his right cheek to his lower jaw. He himself wields a longbow with Elven moon arrows and a shortened halberd. He can cast minor illusion spells and dip his arrows in poisons and toxics to varying effect.