"N-no, it's fine! I'm sorry about everything else, losing parents is awful no matter when it happens." Soreth couldn't imagine what his life would have been like if he hadn't at least known his mother for the amount of time he had. Everything she had told him did pique his interest a bit more, though. There was still so much he didn't know, especially about exactly what drove her to become a hero. Based on what he had heard so far, though, her father did seem to play a pretty big role in it. Hadn't she mentioned him a few times yesterday after their fight, too? "I only really know what I've heard from other sources or what I've been able to see while scrying. I-it's not like I've been able to see everything, either! I have my limits!" He still felt a little awkward admitting to having done that. It probably wasn't that weird, but since she had already seen the paintings, he wasn't sure how much she probably thought he had been watching. He couldn't deny that it had become a little more than just to gauge her abilities like it had been at first, either. "It's only been for maybe the past few years at most, around the time the rumors about the human's new hero garnered enough attention to make it back to me eventually. I've seen some of the trials and a couple of the other parts of your travels, but I don't know everything that you've been up to or even the significance behind some of it. Some of the things humans do is completely outside my understanding. There's actually a lot I still wonder about, so I'm glad I can actually hear about some of it now." "I bet you know a lot of interesting things from your travels, too. What is the human realm like?"