Meanwhile, in one of the busiest and most popular corners of the Coalition's encampment, Hazel Daphiat was engaged in a very important task, on which perhaps the very fate of the world may lie: Getting food. She picked an odd time of the day to eat- most of their group would take their lunch in the span of the next few hours, but she always insisted on having her lunch at the exact point of midday. There was, unfortunately, still a line for food, which grated on the Dark Child's nerves. She waited patiently in a very plainly impatient manner. She carried a veil of false courtesy- one that did not recognize her may even mistake her for a proper heir to the Daphiat's, one of the most powerful families in all of the Sky Kingdom, not a borderline sociopath with a very short fuse. She did not pay attention to most of the 'famous' warriors that had surrounded her, save for her few new friends, but as she scanned around searching for a familiar face she caught a passing glance at a man. One of the fighters of the group, they were easy enough to pick out from the rest by their physicality and equipment. She would perhaps have never noticed this man if not for a small passing sense of familiarity and the not so small fact that he was [i]glowering[/i] at her. As the line progressed she was acutely aware that the man continued to glare at her shamelessly. She was also acutely aware that she definitely knew this man. When she finally reached the head of the line, she collected her food, and left in the direction of her tent. The man also left the line- but he didn't collect any food. He was very conspicuously and unabashedly following her. She picked a roundabout path to her tent, and the man followed close behind her at every turn, picking up his pace or slowing down to match her. Hazel finally stopped in place, turning around to face her follower. She opened her mouth to speak, but he spoke first. "[i]Witch[/i]." His voice was filled with vehement vitriol. This man clearly was not one of her fans. "Sorry, do I know you? Why exactly are you following me?" She said quickly. The man was clearly caught off guard. "S-Surely you must recognize me?!" This time there was no vitriol in his voice, instead an aggressive sort of confusion "I am your sworn enemy- I am [url=]Vitor Estevo[/url]! The Red Flash of the Earth Kingdom! We made battle in the Burning of Nytchovich! I swore I would slay you in revenge for murdering my brother!" Hazel could not say she remembered the man. She certainly remembered the battle- there was a time when the Sky Kingdom decided it would try out its trump card. When the let Hazel loose on the battlefield she was only 13, and it ended up being a dire mistake on the part of the Sky Kingdom. She was all too effective, destroying legions of soldiers on [i]both[/i] sides of the conflict. "You'll have to excuse me- Between the Crimson Hound, the Phoenix, and myself, there are far too many 'Red' people to keep track of. I hardly think you can be sworn enemy if I don't remember you though- I suggest you leave." What came next she had expected. He drew his sword- to his credit, he was indeed deserving of the name 'The Red Flash', because he was quick. But Hazel didn't need speed when she had magic. She didn't make a move to block, instead forming a magical barrier in front of her without so much as an utterance or a movement. The man's sword cast off sparks as it contacted the barrier, and he staggered backwards, not expecting to be blocked. "I would really suggest you leave, before you make me angry... that would be very unwise of you. We've gone a month with no casualties, you know... it would be unfortunate if you were our first, at the hands of one of our own no less." By now a crowd was drawing around them. Vitor cast a glance around him, and finally back at her. "T-T-This won't be the last time you see me, vile witch!" He shouted, before casting a full retreat in the direction opposite of her. [i]People are so strange[/i] She thought to herself. She shrugged, and resumed her path towards her tent, food in hand. Soon enough Hazel took notice of the Crimson Hound, strolling aimlessly. Hazel raised her hand, smiling. "Big sister!" She called out. For one that was so feared Hazel had developed a very quick affection over the past month for Solanne, for the reason that she so quickly accepted her.