Sorry wasn't around yesterday, sporadic trip. [@Silver Fox] Can imagine that being quite terrifying for Dog o.o...more character development :D On the democracy front, thank you for clearing that up for me ^^ Think its a great idea opening it up to everyone but also in favour of Fox's idea of veterans approving characters before posting. Well I was planning on taking Ash out by a bite to force Mercy to develop if I was honest, nothing more satisfying than the ol' 'you can't save me anyway' xD Could have been injured during the fuel run or farm overrun, though wouldn't the latter be more of a reason for them to have abandoned the farm? And whoa [@teapotshark] that is fantastic :D Thank you for going through the trouble of writing that all up o.o Really loving the different types of zombies xD Spitters look especially nasty now they're all lined up like that ^^' (I'm not sure if it affects this but I may not be able to get back online until Sunday evening :S After this weekend, I'll be able to be more productively to speak ^^')